Inspired by real events, BAD COUNTRY is a gritty Louisiana set crime drama. Detective Bud Carter's investigations lead to the arrest of Jesse Weiland, a contract killer from a criminal syndicate. Weiland, facing life in prison and losing his family, puts his trust in Carter and becomes an informant. The case attracts the FBI, who in turn, wrestles control from Carter. When a sting goes bad, the syndicate boss, Lutin Adams uses crooked politicians and lawyers to identify Weiland as the 'rat.' His family is executed, setting Weiland on a path of revenge executing targets on a manhunt for Lutin. Carter takes control, pursuing the syndicate to the French Quarter. The climax explodes as Carter, Weiland and Lutin are caught in a triangular crossfire.
Genre: Action | Crime Language: English Run Time: 1hr 44 min IMDB Rating: 5.7/10 MPR: MA15+ Directors - Chris Brinker Cast - Amy Smart as Lynn Weiland - Neal McDonough as Kiersey - Willem Dafoe as Bud Carter - Matt Dillon as Jesse Weiland
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